Negotiation mastery & development program

Join Morten Kragh-Sørensen’s program and gain exclusive insights, powerful strategies, and hands-on training that will revolutionize how you prepare, execute, and evaluate your negotiations.

Morten underviser i forhandling
Morten underviser i forhandling

Transform your negotiations

Join Morten Kragh-Sørensen’s course and gain exclusive insights and hands-on training that will revolutionize the way you prepare, execute, and assess your negotiations.

Each program is fully customized, combining teaching, practical exercises, and workshops to ensure maximum impact. Sessions can be held in-person, online, or as flexible hybrid courses designed to be both efficient and time-saving.

We take a structured, results-driven approach, using proven negotiation and communication techniques that elevate your outcomes. The journey begins with alignment between leadership and strategic goals, ensuring long-term success. To maintain sustained momentum, we establish a framework for ongoing evaluation, knowledge sharing, and feedback from day one.
Contact Us

Courses levels

Courses can be scaled up and down as needed
Online læring

Undervisningsvideoer 5-8

Materialer i PDF

Opgaver og quiz til hver video

Workshop med morten

Tilpassede cases, opgaver og simulerede forhandlinger

Træning til næste gang

Forberedelse af aktuelle kundeforhandlinger - Deal planner


Webinar med Morten Kragh-Sørensen

Opfølgning / vidensdeling på gennemført træning – Deal Planner / spørgeteknik

Spørgsmål og sparring på konkrete forhandlingssituationer

Der arbejdes videre med deltagernes udfordringer og succeser

Coaching med Morten Kragh-Sørensen

Fokus på den enkelte deltagers udfordringer, overbevisninger og forhandlings-mindset

Statusmøde umiddelbart efter at alle deltagere har være igennem

Workshop med morten

Aftunding på forløbet

Opsummering og videre arbejde med emnet


Negotiation culture
Kick Off




kick off

Velkomstvideo med gennemgang af det samlede forløb (formål, mål og indhold)

Undervisningsvideoer 1-4Materialer i PDF

Opgaver og quiz til hver video

Online learning

Tilpassede cases, opgaver og simulerede forhandlinger

Træning til næste gang

Forberedelse af aktuelle kundeforhandlinger - Deal planner


training day

Opfølgning / vidensdeling på gennemført træning – Deal Planner / spørgeteknik

Spørgsmål og sparring på konkrete forhandlingssituationer

Der arbejdes videre med deltagernes udfordringer og succeser


Fokus på den enkelte deltagers udfordringer, overbevisninger og forhandlings-mindset

Statusmøde umiddelbart efter at alle deltagere har være igennem


kick off

Assessment of company needs

Define goals

Target group analysis

kick off

Welcome Video – Overview of the entire program (purpose, goals, and content)

Training Videos 1-4

Materials in PDF Format

Assignments and Quizzes for Each Video

Online læring

Customized cases, exercises, and simulated negotiations

Training for the next session

Preparation for ongoing customer negotiations – deal planner

Questioning techniques


Follow-up and knowledge sharing on completed training – deal planner / questioning techniques

Questions and sparring on specific negotiation situations

Further work on participants' challenges and successes


Focus on each participant's challenges, beliefs, and negotiation mindset

Status meeting immediately after all participants have completed the program



Online læring

Training videos 5-8
Materials in PDF
Assignments and quizzes for each video

Workshop med morten

Customized cases, exercises, and simulated negotiations

Training for the next session

Preparation for ongoing customer negotiations – deal planner

Questioning techniques

Webinar med Morten Kragh-Sørensen

Follow-up and knowledge sharing on completed training – deal planner / questioning techniques

Questions and sparring on specific negotiation situations

Further work on participants' challenges and successes

Coaching med Morten Kragh-Sørensen

Focus on each participant's challenges, beliefs, and negotiation mindset

Status meeting immediately after all participants have completed the program

Workshop med morten

Conclusion of the program

Summary and further work on the topic



Get in touch

Send us a message if you are interested in the possibilities of collaborating with Morten.

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Fredensgade 3A, 2nd tv., 2200, Copenhagen N

CVR: 36575875


Give us a call for a non-binding conversation regarding the possibilities of bringing Morten out to your company